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Websites dédiés à un peintre renommé
Famous painters dedicated websites

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Grands peintres de la France
Artists painting France
Apprendre à peindre (Diy painting)

Sites dédiés à un peintre renommé - Famous painter dedicated websites

Alma-Tadema (Lawrence)
Basquiat (Jean-Michel)
Bosch (Jerome)
Buffet (Bernard) Musée Bernard Buffet
Chabaud (Auguste)
Degas, Edgar Degas, Hilaire German Edgar - Biography, pictures, guide to museum collections, news articles, and related information.
Artchive: Edgar Degas - Essay by Robert Hughes and images of the artist's paintings.
CGFA: Edgar Degas - Biography and major works.
Galerie Degas (OCAIW) - Gallery dedicated to the artist featuring his masterpieces, biography and comments of his work.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Edgar Degas - His biography, the historical context of Impressionism, his works, and his collection.
OCAIW: Edgar Degas - Biography of the French painter with a list of works available online.
Olga's Gallery: Edgar Degas - Comprehensive collection of his works with biography and historical comments.
WebMuseum: Degas, Edgar - Brief commentary on the life and art of the painter.
The Worldwide Art Gallery: Edgar Degas - Article on his life and art, timeline and a selection of works by this French Realist/Impressionist painter.
ABC Gallery Artcyclopedia Art My Galie
Impressionnisme Insécula (Degas-Manet)
Dubuffet (Jean)
Duchamp (Marcel) Site 2
Gauguin (Paul)
Art Déco France Gauguin et ses disciples de Pont- Aven
Gérome (Léon) Arc Artcyclopedia Cano lagravure
Gervex (Henri) Arttcyclopedia Cahiers naturalistes
Godward Art Encyclopedie ARC Isabel Art gallery
Greuze (Jean-Baptiste) Artcyclopedia Artunframed
Huysmans Insécula la Tribune de l'Art
Henner (Jean-Jacques ) Arttcyclopedia Cahiers
Klimt (Gustav) Art of Klimt Artcyclopedia iKlimt
Laurencin (Marie) All Posters Artcyclopedia
Artfacts CNDP Fine Arts Museums of Chicago
Magritte (René) Une galerie en ligne sur le travail surréaliste de Margritte. Environ 250 peintures du maître.
Virtuo Magritte Site Large site put together by the publishers of the Mystery of Magritte CD-ROM.
Artchive - Rene Magritte Excerpt from the artist's biography by Abraham Marie Hammacher and a collection of images.
René Magritte Propone una biografia del pittore belga e alcune immagini delle sue opere. 
Manet, Édouard  
Edouard Manet's Studio   Image archive, notes about his life, letters, and friends. Manet, Edouard Biography, links to imagery, news articles and related information. - Art Déco France
Artchive: Edouard Manet Contains a biography of the artist plus images.
The Frick Collection The Frick is the home of The Bullfight (1864). Interestingly, Manet created it and another painting by sectioning a larger canvas which had been savagely criticized.
Heart's Ease: Edouard Manet Biography, representative works and suggested further resources for the impressionist/realist painter.
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Édouard Manet Entire collection of his paintings at the museum with notes on each work.

National Gallery of Art: Manet's The Railway - In-depth study, it discusses the creator, whose depictions of modern life greatly influenced other artists and writers of his time, and examines the context of the painting in relation to the rapidly changing city of Paris of the late-nineteenth century.
Norton Simon Museum The Ragpicker, from the late 1860's, with commentary.
Olga's Gallery: Edouard Manet Comprehensive collection of the images of his works with biography and historical comments.
WebMuseum: Manet, Edouard Biographical notes and paintings.
Matisse (Henri)
Modigliani (Amadeo)
NGA Vincent van Gogh Paul Cézanne Paul Gauguin
Mary Cassatt: Mary Cassatt, Auguste Renoir
Moore (Henri)
Munier (Paul) Artcyclopedia Emile Munier
Picasso (Pablo) - Site2- site officiel de Pablo Picasso. avec 500 oeuvres commentées.
Picasso -  tableaux de l'expo « Les portraits de Picasso » de 96 à Paris.
Rivera (Diego)
Rockwell (Norman)
Rops (Félicien)
Rotkho (Mark)
Rousseau (Henri)
Schoffer (Nicolas)
Stael (Nicolas de) My Climats painters Art-déco-France
Hermitage museum Nicolas de Stael paintings
Nicolas de Stael at Artchive Sara Blaffer Absolutearts
Artland Art-Contemprain William Weston
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de  (9, Open Directory)
Heart's Ease: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Biography, representative works and suggested further resources for post-impressionist painter.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901) - Biography and several images.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: Bohemian artist of the Moulin Rouge - An entertaining biography of the artist and stories about his involvement with the famous Moulin Rouge.
Mark Harden's Artchive: Toulouse-Lautrec - Biographical notes, 13 images.
MoMA Exhibition: Paris - The 1890s - Article, chiefly about Toulouse-Lautrec, and images.
The Posters of Toulouse-Lautrec - The posters, the people, Paris and printmaking. From the Baldwin M. Baldwin Collection at the San Diego Museum of Art. 32 images, with background information.
Toulouse-Lautrec - 10 pages of photos and art works.
WebMuseum: Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de - Short biography and a collection of images.
WetCanvas, Virtual Museum, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Detailed biography, one poster
Trouille (Clovis)
Turner, J. M. W.
Artcyclopedia: Joseph Mallord William Turner - Guide to art museum sites and image archives where his moody landscapes and seascapes can be viewed online.
British Arts: Famous Artists JMW Turner - Biography, links to sites, listing of collections of his art, and books to read.
CGFA - J.M.W. Turner - Great collection of images of Turner's work.
Heart's Ease: Joseph M.W. Turner - Biography, representative works and suggested further resources for 19th century landscape painter.
J. M. W. Turner - Overview on his life and works from the Victorian Web.
J.M.W. Turner - The First Impressionist - Biography of an English painter recognized by early French impressionists as a forerunner to their movement, 1775-1851.
Joseph Mallord William Turner - Olga's Gallery - Comprehensive collection of the images of Turner's works with biography and historical comments.
The Official J.M.W.Turner Society Website - Dedicated to promoting the life and work of J.M.W.Turner. Includes a biography, society activities, details of permanent and temporary exhibitions and events world-wide.
Turner's Watercolours - Article about artist's use of the media and how it influenced his art.

Ungerer (Tomi)
Utrillo (Maurice)
Vallotton (Félix)
Van Dongen (Kees)
Van Gogh About Van Gogh - Site dédié à la compréhension de l'oeuvre de l'artiste. En anglais. This site is dedicated to this passionate painter. Here you will find just about everything you want to know about Van Gogh and his art.
Van Gogh Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
Van Gogh Museum - à Amsterdam, les oeuvres de Vincent Van Gogh. (en Anglaish et en Néerlandais)
Vigée Le Brun (Elizabeth) (1755-1842) a connu et exécuté les portraits de la plupart des personnalités essentielles d'Europe et de Russie des années 1770 à 1835.
Vinci (Leonardo) Art de Vinci Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Blue Clos Lucé Exploring Leonardo
Globe Trotter - Hermitage Museum Kausal
Warhol (Andy)
Watteau (Jean- Antoine) Abc gallery Agora
Archive (grands formats) Getty Museum Hermitage
Latif Maulan My Studio (Gille grand format)


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